Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hi all!!

How are you? Have a good day?
Lately, I had many holidays because of flood that happened at Jakarta.
But, thank God, nothing bad happened. 
I drew this picture when I got spare times.
To be honest, it's kinda hard to maintain my good mood to draw. The mood come and go, yeah, I'm a moody person. hahah..

Anyway, please check my new sketch.
 I use 2B for the basic, 5B, 7B and 8B for the darker shade.
How do you think?

I've tried to make it smoother than before. good enough?

Love and Fashion,        


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First drawing of 2014

Hi all!

So, today I want to upload my latest sketch. This is my first sketch in 2014 and need many days to finish it because of my job as designer is getting busier. anyway, I tried to put more shade and less white area.

Still trying to make smoother stroke and more gradation.

The whole look.
As you see, the cheek bone area isn't smooth. Have tried to make it smoother, but...... failed. Hahaha..
my favorite area, I don't know how could I made the hair much smoother than other areas.

Well, do you have any questions or advises? feel free to put comment below :)

Love and Fashion,        

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Happy New Year! 
Hope you all have a super year!

Been quite long since the last time I updated my blog. Sorry for that, though I still drawing, but I usually forget to update my blog.

So, I will upload many of the drawings I made. Hope you enjoy! :)

Always wanted to draw a girl with red lipstick and finally, I did. But, I realized, the proportion isn't good. haha..

Drew it when I was facing hard days
Drew it when I was facing hard days. well, a proof that even bad things can inspiring you. About the words I wrote there, it's Johnny Depp's quote. so inspiring, and I agree with him. Though, I'm grateful for the heartaches that I felt, i believe and I know, they made me understand and see the life in different and better ways.

Merry Christmas!!

I know, it's quiet too late to greeting merry Christmas, moreover to upload a drawing with Christmas theme. hahaha.. however, I just want you to enjoy my drawings ;)

Well, I usually upload my drawings on instagram, right after I finished them. So, please follow my instagram @chyntialiem and find me there :)

Love and Fashion,        