Monday, January 12, 2015

New style

Huahh.. almost year already since the last time I updated my blog?
Really can't believe that!

Didn't update my blog doesn't mean I stop drawing. I did and I'm still.
But, I really have no mood to update my blog (ya, ya, mu bad :p)

So, let me share many of my latest drawings today!

The hard time that I faced lately bring me to another style of drawing. I never used this kind of style before. I was more to fashion illustration with long-in-everything kind of body parts. long hands, long legs, long torso. But, one day I was thinking about made illustration to show my feeling. 

Actually, I got the basic few months before when I drew for my ex (ouch).
The illustration that I drew for my ex that is my bestie now. Well, let's keep it as memory :)

And, so, at my escape to Surabaya, I was drown in good vibes that I had in my auntie's home. I was so productive. And I could draw 2 sketches in a day (I only drew in morning too afternoon).

I'm Ed Sheeran's big fans! I listen to his song(s) at least once/ day. And photograph is one of my favorites. So true, that keeping something in photograph is a way to make things endless. I realize, people change, time goes on, but memories that kept in the photographs will never fade.

Photograph - Ed Sheeran

Me myself, is a girl who really loves to show my feeling. Everyone can see clearly how expressive I am.
Because, I feel overwhelmed by the love that pours on me by everyone around me. So, I really want to make the ones I love feel the same. Spread the love!
Why waste this life not loving?

Well, three are enough for today. Going to share the others with you by tomorrow. Thank you! :)

Love and Fashion,          


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