Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Happy New Year! 
Hope you all have a super year!

Been quite long since the last time I updated my blog. Sorry for that, though I still drawing, but I usually forget to update my blog.

So, I will upload many of the drawings I made. Hope you enjoy! :)

Always wanted to draw a girl with red lipstick and finally, I did. But, I realized, the proportion isn't good. haha..

Drew it when I was facing hard days
Drew it when I was facing hard days. well, a proof that even bad things can inspiring you. About the words I wrote there, it's Johnny Depp's quote. so inspiring, and I agree with him. Though, I'm grateful for the heartaches that I felt, i believe and I know, they made me understand and see the life in different and better ways.

Merry Christmas!!

I know, it's quiet too late to greeting merry Christmas, moreover to upload a drawing with Christmas theme. hahaha.. however, I just want you to enjoy my drawings ;)

Well, I usually upload my drawings on instagram, right after I finished them. So, please follow my instagram @chyntialiem and find me there :)

Love and Fashion,        

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