Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Be grateful, Be Thankful

Hi, everyone!

many weeks ago, when I was at Surabaya, I was enjoying my morning in my room when I got an idea.
I did a flashback to the past, to what I had in 2014 (oh, btw, it was still 2014 back then). Wondering, how lot of things happened and surprisingly, I'm still alive.

Doesn't mean I was perfectly perfect without any flaws. I did. I found my heart broken into pieces. But, I realized the storms, jabs, wounds and pains are what makes me who I am.

Beside all the painful things, The most important things that makes me stand still was everyone around me, who supported me and held my hands through the circumstances.

So, this is what I drew to show how grateful I am.
2014 wasn't easy at all. But it was great, too.

Say thank You, be grateful for everything that He put in our life.
Life's a battlefield and we were born to win it! :)

Love and Fashion,       


Monday, January 12, 2015

New style

Huahh.. almost year already since the last time I updated my blog?
Really can't believe that!

Didn't update my blog doesn't mean I stop drawing. I did and I'm still.
But, I really have no mood to update my blog (ya, ya, mu bad :p)

So, let me share many of my latest drawings today!

The hard time that I faced lately bring me to another style of drawing. I never used this kind of style before. I was more to fashion illustration with long-in-everything kind of body parts. long hands, long legs, long torso. But, one day I was thinking about made illustration to show my feeling. 

Actually, I got the basic few months before when I drew for my ex (ouch).
The illustration that I drew for my ex that is my bestie now. Well, let's keep it as memory :)

And, so, at my escape to Surabaya, I was drown in good vibes that I had in my auntie's home. I was so productive. And I could draw 2 sketches in a day (I only drew in morning too afternoon).

I'm Ed Sheeran's big fans! I listen to his song(s) at least once/ day. And photograph is one of my favorites. So true, that keeping something in photograph is a way to make things endless. I realize, people change, time goes on, but memories that kept in the photographs will never fade.

Photograph - Ed Sheeran

Me myself, is a girl who really loves to show my feeling. Everyone can see clearly how expressive I am.
Because, I feel overwhelmed by the love that pours on me by everyone around me. So, I really want to make the ones I love feel the same. Spread the love!
Why waste this life not loving?

Well, three are enough for today. Going to share the others with you by tomorrow. Thank you! :)

Love and Fashion,          
